於2021年施政報告中,政府表示為推動5G發展,將通過「鼓勵及早使用5G技術資助計劃」資助更多行業採納5G創新應用,包括實時工地安全監測等。可見5G智慧工地是大勢所趨,將逐漸成為行業新標準。5G為智慧工地提供無縫的超高速、超低時延網絡連接,令更多創新應用得以實行,加強應用與BIM 及 DWSS之間的協作,並提升工地安全、生產及管理效率。


As per Policy Address 2021, HK Government will continue promote 5G development by subsidising more sectors to adopt innovative 5G applications, including real-time safety monitoring in construction sites. It is clear that 5G is becoming the new standard of Smart Site. 5G provides seamless ultra high-speed connectivity with ultra low latency which empowers innovative technologies to be applied in 5G Smart Site, optimizing integration with BIM & DWSS, safety, productivity & site management.

HKT, together with other industry leading partners, would like to invite you to explore and experience the latest 5G Smart Construction Technologies.

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